The following 69 alarms may be generated by N2SVCD Service “RestLuaService”.
No alarms found that match search criteria.
SV-AP-10000 WARNING | Connection | Error sending statistics: %s |
Cause: An error was encountered sending application statistics. |
%s = The error that occurred when sending statistics. |
Resolution: Review N2SVCD statistics configuration. Ensure the endpoint is available. |
SV-AP-10012 NOTICE | Application | Trace Level is '%s'. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. Configured application trace level. |
%s = The configured application trace level. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10013 NOTICE | Application | Trace Level Max is '%s'. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. Configured application max trace level. |
%s = The configured max trace level. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10014 NOTICE | Application | Trace Per Second is '%s'. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. Configured application trace per second. |
%s = The configured trace per second. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10015 NOTICE | Application | Retaining '%d' shutdown instances. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. Configured application instance retention count. |
%d = The configured shutdown instance retention count. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10016 NOTICE | Application | Statistics Slice Count is '%s'. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. Configured application statistics slice count. |
%s = The configured statistics slice count. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10017 NOTICE | Application | Statistics Slice Seconds is '%s'. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. Configured application statistics slice seconds. |
%s = The configured statistics slice seconds. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10019 NOTICE | Application | EDR Application Name = '%s'. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. Configured EDR application name. |
%s = The configured EDR application name. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10020 NOTICE | Application | EDR Default Stream = '%s'. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. Configured EDR stream. |
%s = The configured EDR stream. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10021 WARNING | Configuration | Cannot write EDRs. Configured EDR App '%s' is not a known Application. |
Cause: Configured EDR application to utilize does not map to known application. |
%s = The name of the EDR app that is not known. |
Resolution: Check application configuration defines configured EDR application. Check configured EDR application exists and is configured. |
SV-AP-10029 NOTICE | Application | EDRs are Supported but NOT Enabled. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. Application supports EDRs but they are not enabled. | - |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10030 WARNING | Application | Application did not handle timeout reason '%s'. |
Cause: Received timeout that the underlying application did not handle. |
%s = The reason the timeout was not handled. |
Resolution: Contact N-Squared support. |
SV-AP-10031 NOTICE | Application | Configuration Scalar Update of '%s' %s. |
Cause: Application configuration scalar value updated. |
%s = The configuration key that was updated. %s = Whether or not the update was successful. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10032 NOTICE | Application | Configuration Vector Change of '%s' [%s] Succeeded. |
Cause: Application configuration vector updated. |
%s = The updated configuration key. %s = The update action. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10033 ALARM | Application | Application transition from %s -> %s. |
Cause: Application access has transitioned between ONLINE <=> SHUTDOWN/OFFLINE/QUIESCE. |
%s = The original access level name (ONLINE). %s = The new access level name (SHUTDOWN/OFFLINE/QUIESCE). |
Resolution: Confirm that this state change is expected. |
SV-AP-10033 CLEAR | Application | Application transition from %s -> %s. |
Cause: Application access has transitioned between SHUTDOWN/OFFLINE/QUIESCE <=> ONLINE. |
%s = The original access level name (SHUTDOWN/OFFLINE/QUIESCE). %s = The new access level name (ONLINE). |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10034 WARNING | Internal | Instance [%s] already over when performing instance_over(). |
Cause: Instance received duplicate 'over' handler. |
%s = Instance index. |
Resolution: Contact N-Squared support. |
SV-AP-10035 WARNING | Internal | Instance [%s] not found when performing instance_over(). |
Cause: Instance not found when performing over handler. |
%s = Instance index. |
Resolution: Contact N-Squared support. |
SV-AP-10038 WARNING | Application | Failed to cancel timer [%s]: %s |
Cause: Failed to cancel in progress timer. |
%s = The reason the timer could not be canceled. %s = The error result when trying to cancel the timer. |
Resolution: Review the associated error reason. Review the associated error result. Contact N-Squared support. |
SV-AP-10039 WARNING | Internal | Discarding Message from unknown sender '%s'. |
Cause: Received application message from unknown sender. |
%s = The unknown sender. |
Resolution: Contact N-Squared support. |
SV-AP-10040 WARNING | Application | Failed to process %s from %s: %s |
Cause: Failed to process admin queue message. |
%s = The message. %s = The sending application. %s = The error result when trying to read from the message queue. |
Resolution: Contact N-Squared support. |
SV-AP-10041 WARNING | Application | Failed to process %s from %s: %s |
Cause: Failed to process user queue message. |
%s = The message. %s = The sending application. %s = The error result when trying to read from the message queue. |
Resolution: Contact N-Squared support. |
SV-AP-10042 WARNING | Configuration | Configuration Request for '%s' (%s) Failed: %s |
Cause: Failed to query application configuration vector. |
%s = The configuration key. %s = The configuration row key. %s = The error result when trying to query the configuration vector. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. Check the inbound message content construction. |
SV-AP-10043 WARNING | Message | Resources Request for '%s' (%s) Failed: %s |
Cause: Failed to query application resource. |
%s = The resource key. %s = The resource key row. %s = The error result when trying to query the resource. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. Check the inbound message content construction. |
SV-AP-10044 WARNING | Configuration | Configuration Update of '%s' Failed: %s |
Cause: Failed to update application configuration scalar. |
%s = The configuration key. %s = The error result when trying to update the configuration scalar. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. Check the configuration update message content construction. |
SV-AP-10045 WARNING | Application | Received instance message %s with no context. Discarding. |
Cause: Received instance message with no context. |
%s = The message. |
Resolution: Review message construction. Ensure instance message contains instance context. |
SV-AP-10046 WARNING | Application | Configuration environment translation for '\${%s}' is not defined. |
Cause: Configuration environment not defined. |
%s = The configuration variable name. |
Resolution: Check environment configuration. |
SV-AP-10047 WARNING | Application | Command `%s` failed to execute: %s |
Cause: Failed to execute variable command. |
%s = The error message generated when trying to execute the command. %s = The command. |
Resolution: Review the associated command error. Check application execution permissions. Check command syntax and structure. |
SV-AP-10048 WARNING | Application | Command `%s` died with signal %d. |
Cause: Variable command execution exited with non-zero exit code. |
%s = The command. %d = The exit signal. |
Resolution: Review the associated error signal. Check application execution permissions. Check command syntax and structure. |
SV-AP-10049 WARNING | Application | Command `%s` exited with non-zero value %d. |
Cause: Variable command execution exited with non-zero exit code. |
%s = The command. %d = The exit code. |
Resolution: Review the associated exit code. Check command syntax and structure. |
SV-AP-10050 WARNING | Resource Configuration | Hostname '%s' is not known. |
Cause: Failed to convert Hostname into address. Hostname is not known. |
%s = The hostname. |
Resolution: Check Hostname configuration. Check address configuration. Check DNS availability. |
SV-AP-10051 WARNING | Application | Unhandled Message '%s' for Context '%s' from App '%s'. |
Cause: Application unable to handle message. |
%s = The message. %s = The message context. %s = The sending application name. |
Resolution: Contact N-Squared support. |
SV-AP-10052 ALARM | Application | Application is now OVERLOADED. |
Cause: Application is now overloaded to the point where processing is affected. | - |
Resolution: Check application traffic levels and configuration. |
SV-AP-10052 CLEAR | Application | Application is now %s (not OVERLOADED). |
Cause: Application is no longer overloaded. |
%s = The new loading level (NORMAL or HIGH) |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10053 NOTICE | Application | Throttle Enabled: max %d instances, max tps (%d average over %d secs). |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. Configured application throttling parameters. |
%d = The configured maximum active instance count. %d = The configured maximum TPS (new instances per second). %d = The configured sliding window (in seconds) for measuring TPS. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10054 ALARM | Application | Application is now at HIGH LOAD. |
Cause: Application is now at high-load (processing is not yet affected). | - |
Resolution: Check application traffic levels and configuration. |
SV-AP-10054 CLEAR | Application | Application is now %s (not HIGH LOAD). |
Cause: Application is no longer at high-load. |
%s = The new loading level (NORMAL) |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10056 NOTICE | Application | Resource Vector Operation '%s' Succeeded. |
Cause: Application resource vector operation successful. |
%s = The vector operation key. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-AP-10057 WARNING | Internal | ERROR thawing %d byte envelope: %s |
Cause: Failed to thaw message byte envelope. |
%d = The message envelope length. %s = The error that occurred trying to thaw the payload. |
Resolution: Contact N-Squared support. |
SV-AP-10058 WARNING | Configuration | Resource Operation of '%s' Failed: %s |
Cause: Failed to perform resource operation. |
%s = The resource key. %s = The error result when trying to perform the resource operation. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. Check the configuration update message content construction. |
SV-LU-10018 WARNING | Job | Failed to create Lua instance for service: %s |
Cause: Failed to create Lua instance. |
%s = The error message generated on instance creation failure. |
Resolution: Review the associated error message. Ensure the loaded script contains valid Lua content. |
SV-LU-10201 NOTICE | Application | Service Lua library path = '%s'. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. The Lua library path to use. |
%s = The configured Lua library path. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-LU-10202 NOTICE | Application | Service Lua C-library path = '%s'. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. The Lua C library path to use. |
%s = The configured Lua C library path. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-LU-10203 NOTICE | Application | Service EDR Stream Key = '%s'. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. The default EDR stream key to use for scripts running in this service. |
%s = The configured Lua service EDR stream key. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-LU-10301 NOTICE | Configuration | Requiring full LUA Script reload every %d seconds. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. How often to force a full reload on a script. |
%d = Script reload lifetime seconds. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-LU-10302 NOTICE | Configuration | Checking for modified LUA Script mtime every %d seconds. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. How often to check that a script mtime is up-to-date. |
%d = Script update check seconds. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-LU-10303 NOTICE | Configuration | Retrying after failed LUA Script load/compile every %d seconds. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. How long to wait after failure before we try again to load/compile a script. |
%d = Failure retry interval seconds. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-LU-10304 NOTICE | Configuration | Retain unused scripts for %d seconds. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. How long to retain script information once it is no longer being used. |
%d = Script retention interval seconds. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-LU-10309 WARNING | Resource | Failed to return handler thread for script key '%s': %s |
Cause: Failed to generate thread from LUA state/handler. |
%s = The script key which failed to compile. %s = The error message associated with the runtime failure. |
Resolution: Review the associated error message. |
SV-LU-10310 WARNING | Resource | Script key '%s' cached mtime %d has lowered to mtime %d. Use it anyhow. |
Cause: The returned LUA script mtime has gone backwards. |
%s = The script key for which the mtime has reduced. %d = The cached (higher) mtime. %d = The new (lower) mtime. |
Resolution: Check for unusual database or file activity. |
SV-LU-10315 WARNING | Resource | Failed to find script info for script key '%s'. |
Cause: Script info has disappeared when load returned. Very late response? |
%s = The script key for which we can no longer find script info. |
Resolution: Review for other messages indicated overdue script load response. |
SV-LU-10316 WARNING | Resource | Failed to parse loader-specific context '%s'. |
Cause: Loader received direct message with unrecognized context. |
%s = The unmatched context value. |
Resolution: Contact N-Squared Support. |
SV-LU-10317 WARNING | Resource | Failed to compile script key '%s': %s |
Cause: Failed to compile LUA and create state with handler. |
%s = The script key which failed to compile. %s = The error message associated with the compile failure. |
Resolution: Review the associated error message. |
SV-LU-10318 WARNING | Resource | Failed to find script info for script key '%s'. |
Cause: Script info has disappeared when load returned. Very late response? |
%s = The script key for which we can no longer find script info. |
Resolution: Review for other messages indicated overdue script load response. |
SV-LU-10401 NOTICE | Application | Looking for LUA scripts in '%s'. |
Cause: Parameter configuration at startup. Loading LUA scripts from configured script directory. |
%s = LUA script directory. |
Resolution: None. |
SV-TP-10100 WARNING | Application | SSL is not supported on '%s' connections. Ignored. |
Cause: SSL is enabled. SSL is not supported for the current TCP protocol. |
%s = The configured TCP protocol. |
Resolution: Check application SSL and TCP protocol configuration. |
SV-TP-10101 WARNING | Socket | Failed to create %s client socket: %s |
Cause: Failed to create protocol socket. |
%s = The socket protocol. %s = The error that occurred when trying to create to the socket. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. Check TCP configuration. Check the host machine supports creating TCP sockets. |
SV-TP-10102 WARNING | Connection | Cannot set (new outbound) socket attributes: %s |
Cause: Failed to set (new outbound) socket attributes. |
%s = Description of the reason for failure, including the attribute type which could not be set. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. Check TCP configuration. Check the host machine supports getting socket flags. |
SV-TP-10103 WARNING | Socket | Failed to bind %s socket to '%s:%d': %s |
Cause: Failed to bind to local socket. |
%s = The configured TCP protocol. %s = The configured local host. %d = The configured local port. %s = The error that occurred when trying to bind to the local socket. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. Check local bind configuration. Check the host machine supports creating sockets. |
SV-TP-10104 WARNING | Application | Error resolving remote host '%s': %s |
Cause: Unable to determine remote host. |
%s = The configured remote host. %s = The error that occurred when trying to bind to the remote host. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. Check remote host configuration. Check remote host is accessible and accepting connections. |
SV-TP-10105 WARNING | Connection | Error connecting to remote host %s:%d: %s |
Cause: Failed to connect to remote host. |
%s = The configured remote host. %d = The configured remote port. %s = The error that occurred when trying to connect to the remote host. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. Check remote host configuration. Check remote host is accessible and accepting connections. |
SV-TP-10106 WARNING | Connection. | Connection error [%s:%d]: %s |
Cause: Connection error. |
%s = The remote host. %d = The remote port. %s = The error that occurred when trying to connect to the remote host., |
Resolution: Review the associated error message. Check client connection configuration. Check remote host is up and accessible. |
SV-TP-10107 WARNING | Connection | Connection error flagged: %s |
Cause: Socket error when connecting to remote end. |
%s = The socket error that occurred when trying to connect to the remote application, |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. Check remote host is up and accepting connections. |
SV-TP-10108 WARNING | Socket | Outbound connection SSL setup error: %s |
Cause: Failed to convert outbound raw socket into Net::SSL context. |
%s = The error that occurred when trying to convert socket to SSL. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. Check SSL configuration. |
SV-TP-10500 WARNING | Message | UDP Datagram sent only %d of %d bytes. Datagram was truncated. |
Cause: Mis-formed UDP datagram detected. |
%d = The number of bytes that were written via UDP. %d = The total number of bytes that makes up the message. |
Resolution: Review the message content construction. Inspect the UDP datagram payload. |
SV-TP-10501 WARNING | Connection | Error calling recv: %s |
Cause: Failed to receive on connection. |
%s = The error that occurred when trying to read from the connection. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. |
SV-TP-10502 WARNING | Connection | Error calling send: %s |
Cause: Failed to send on connection. |
%s = The error that occurred when trying to write to the connection. |
Resolution: Review the associated error result. |
SV-AP-10065 WARNING | Application | Suppressed a total of %d duplicate warnings [%s]. |
Cause: The same warning ID was logged too many times in a fixed interval. |
%d = The number of warnings that were suppressed. %s = The event ID of the suppressed warnings. |
Resolution: Address the underlying problem which caused the warnings. |
SV-RS-10101 WARNING | Configuration | Discarding non-NIL result from REST Service script that sent early response. |
Cause: Discarding result from early returning REST service script that did not return NIL. | - |
Resolution: Check script definition for invalid early exit behavior. |
The following 8 statistics may be generated by N2SVCD Service “RestLuaService”.
No statistics found that match search criteria.
instance.throttle.max_instances | Scope: | Message | Type: | Counter |
Cause: | Maximum number of instances exceeding the max number of instances. |
instance.throttle.max_tps_average | Scope: | Message | Type: | Counter |
Cause: | Average max TPS for the last throttle period. |
instance.refused.no_instance | Scope: | Job, Message | Type: | Counter |
Cause: | Lua instances that failed to be created. |
lua.load | Scope: | Message | Type: | Counter |
Cause: | Lua chunks loaded successfully. |
Tags: | type |
cache |
Lua chunks loaded from cache successfully. |
success |
Lua chunks newly loaded successfully via any method. |
lua.load.failed | Scope: | Resource | Type: | Counter |
Cause: | Lua chunks unable to be loaded for any reason. |
lua.state.error | Scope: | Message | Type: | Counter |
Cause: | Lua stat errors. |
Tags: | type |
bad_compile |
Lua states that failed to compile. |
bad_thread |
Lua states that compiled but failed to generate a thread. |
lua.thread.close | Scope: | Resource | Type: | Counter |
Cause: | Lua threads no longer required. |
lua.thread.create | Scope: | Resource | Type: | Counter |
Cause: | Lua thread created successfully. |