

All N-Squared applications running under the N2SVCD framework generate:

Events, alarms, and statistics are generated automatically as part of a running installation. For more information about the configuration and operational management of such messages, refer to the N2SVCD technical guide sections on alarm documentation or statistics configuration respectively.

Actual alarm and statistic content and details are available:


All alarms and statistics are classified as belonging to one or more scopes, representing the area of impact that each item refers to.

Scope Notices Warnings Alarms Statistics Description
Configuration Yes Yes No Yes A problem in accessing, using, or updating configuration, definitions, scripting, or declarations. Includes deprecated or invalid config items.
Message Yes Yes No Yes Something affecting a single message, either internally or externally.
Job Yes Yes No Yes Something affecting a whole “thing”, perhaps a call, session, or a single instance of a service being used.
Store Yes Yes No Yes A failure to persistently store something, e.g. on disk or in a database.
Resource Yes Yes No Yes Something necessary for performing a service is unavailable or errored. For example, a failure to read from a database.
Connection Yes Yes No Yes A problem with an anonymous, temporary, or configured connection.
Internal Yes Yes No Yes A problem that should never occur, or, if it does, indicates some internal problem. Any issues with this scope cannot be rectified by end-users and require N-Squared investigation.
Platform Yes No Yes Yes Something affecting the entire N2SVCD platform.
Application Yes No Yes Yes Something affecting the entirety of a single N2SVCD application.
Service Yes No Yes Yes Something affecting a single service configured for an N2SVCD application.