Rest Op - Expect Response


The REST Expect Response operation represents the receipt of the response of a previous REST Send Request operation. The test instance will abort if any other inbound message is received.

This message is received by the IN Tester when it is expecting a REST response.


The operation attributes are as follows.

Attribute Type Description
type String rest.ExpectResponse
label String An optional label for this node if it is to be the target of a branch operation.
tests Array of Object An array of anonymous Objects. Each Object represents a check to be performed. The associated Pass/Fail entries will be generated in the test instance check_log.
Refer to the Operation Tests documentation for more information on the syntext for Operation tests.

The root of the kpath in the tests Array is the rest object from the returned REST-C-RESPONSE message.

The rest object of the most recently received REST response is also available to subsequent evaluations as $v->{__INBOUND}{REST} or $i->{REST}.

If the returned rest.content_type = text/json or application.json, then the TestInstance will attempt to decode the returned rest.content into a JSON object and make it available as rest.content_json.


This is an example entry within the operations array:

    "type": "rest.ExpectResponse",
    "tests": [
        { "kpath": "rest.code", "type": "string", "value": "200" },
        { "kpath": "rest.content_json.status", "type": "string", "value": "OK" },
        { "kpath": "rest.http_headers.[name=Test-Hdr].[0].value", "value": "Value 3" }


The REST Expect Response operation has no defined arguments.