Test RTP Messages


The Test RTP Application (TestRtpApp) enables validation of the RTP streams associated with SIP calls. Each instance establishes an RTP endpoint. That endpoint captures all inbound audio packets to enable comparison against expectations. The endpoint can also be instructed to send telephone events to simulate interactions.

The following LuaApp agents from the n2sip module use TestRtpApp.

The internal RTP messages are:


The TestRtpLuaAgent sends TEST-RTP-REGISTER to the TestRtpApp to request that a local RTP UDP port number be assigned from the configured pool available for testing purposes.

At this time the port cannot send RTP media packets, that is a future testing feature.

The attributes of the TEST-RTP-REGISTER message are:

Field Type Description
rtp Object Container for RTP parameters.
timeout_secs Positive Integer The requested inactivity timeout (in seconds) for this interaction.
This is a guard timer which ensures that the RTP Test resources will eventually be freed up in the case of unexpected call loss.
(Default = 300).


The TEST-RTP-REGISTERED message is sent by the TestRtpApp in response to a TEST-RTP-REGISTER message with the result of the registration.

The attributes of the TEST-RTP-REGISTERED message are:

Field Type Description
success 0 / 1 [Required] Indicates whether the instance and associated RTP endpoint were created successfully or not.
error String Indicates why RTP endpoint creation failed. (Only present if success is 0.)
rtp Object Container for RTP parameters.
(Only present if success is 1.)
local_port 1 - 65535 [Required] Local IPv4 UDP Port Number assigned from our configured port range to the created RTP endpoint.


The TEST-RTP-DEREGISTER message is sent to a TestRtpApp instance by another application to request that the RTP endpoint be disconnected, and that the associated socket and other resources be made free for use by other future streams.

The TEST-RTP-DEREGISTER message does not have any attributes.

No response message is sent for this request.


The TEST-RTP-CONNECT message is sent to a TestRtpApp instance by another application to request that the local RTP endpoint connect to a remote RTP endpoint.

Note that if the local RTP endpoint is currently connected, the existing connection will be disconnected.

The attributes of the TEST-RTP-CONNECT message are:

Field Type Description
rtp Object [Required] Container for RTP attributes.
remote_host String [Required] Remote host name or IP address to which outbound RTP packets will be sent.
remote_port 1 - 65535 [Required] Remote IPv4 UDP Port Number to which outbound RTP packets will be sent.
clock_rate Positive Integer An optional indication of the clock rate of the RTP stream from the remote endpoint.
This enables telephone events to be sent with correct durations.
(Default = 8000).


The TEST-RTP-START-TE message is sent to a TestRtpApp instance by another application to request that a telephone event be sent to the connected remote RTP endpoint.

The attributes of the TEST-RTP-START-TE message are:

Field Type Description
rtp Object [Required] Container for RTP attributes.
payload_type 0 - 127 [Required] RTP Payload Type to use for the outbound telephone event packets.
event_code 0 - 255 [Required] Telephone Event code as defined in RFC 4733 Section 3.2.
duration 10 - 5000 [Required] Duration of the telephone event in milliseconds.
volume 0 - 63 Volume of the telephone event as defined in RFC 4733 Section 2.3.4.
(Default = 20).
interval 10 - 1000 Interval between telephone event RTP packets.
(Default = 50).
end_count 1 - 10 Number of telephone event RTP packets sent with the E bit (as defined in RFC 4733 Section 2.3.2) set.
(Default = 3).


The TEST-RTP-AMR-CMR message is sent to a TestRtpApp instance by another application to request that an adaptive multi-rate codec mode request be sent to the connected remote RTP endpoint.

The attributes of the TEST-RTP-AMR-CMR message are:

Field Type Description
rtp Object [Required] Container for RTP attributes.
payload_type 0 - 127 [Required] RTP Payload Type to use for the outbound codec mode request packet.
codec_mode 0 - 8 [Required] AMR mode as defined in 3GPP TS 26.101 / ETSI TS 126 101 table 1a and/or 3GPP TS 26.201 / ETSI TS 126 201 table 1a.
octet_align Boolean Specifies whether to use octet-aligned framing.
False to use bandwidth-efficient framing instead of octet-aligned.
(Default = true to use octet-aligned framing)


The TEST-RTP-FETCH message is sent to a TestRtpApp instance by another application to request that it send any received RTP media stream packets to that application. Note that the TestRtpApp instance clears its RTP media stream packet buffer on reception of this message.

The TEST-RTP-FETCH does not have any attributes.


The TEST-RTP-FETCHED message is sent by a TestRtpApp instance in response to a TEST-RTP-FETCH message with the requested RTP packets.

The attributes of the TEST-RTP-FETCHED message are:

Field Type Description
rtp Object [Required] Container for RTP attributes.
.packets Array of Object [Required] Array of Objects, each representing an inbound RTP media stream packet.
.timestamp Positive Integer [Required] Timestamp from the RTP packet header.
.media String [Required] The RTP media body containing the audio bytes.