
SIP Test Application Configuration

The SIP Test Application is a utility application which listens for and sends out UDP or TCP payloads on behalf of other applications.

It exists as a separate application for two reasons:

  1. To allow test agents to send/receive UDP and TCP without needing to manage sockets directly,
  2. For scalability, to allow multiple processes to serve inbound requests from a single UDP or TCP port.

Here is a configuration example, connecting to a remote host via UDP:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <application name="UDP-SIPTestApp" module="TestSipApp">
        <parameter name="local_host"      value="${N2SVCD_TEST_IP}"/>
        <parameter name="local_port"      value="5063"/>

Note the use of ${N2SVCD_TEST_IP}. All parameter value attributes support the use of environment variables to allow a single n2svcd.xml to operate on different platforms without needing to be modified for each platform.

Configuration Details

The application element attributes for SIP Test Application instance may include the below.

For details of the various parameter types used, refer to Common Configuration.

Parameter Name Type XML Type Description
See: Common Application configuration
module String Attribute [Required] TestSipApp
include.lib String Attribute [Required] ../apps/sip_test/lib
parameters Array Element [Required] As per Common Configuration Application parameters.
"edr_enabled" - - This value is ignored; the SIP Test Application does not support writing EDRs.
"local_host" String Attribute Local IPv4 Host Name or A.B.C.D IPv4 Address which the UDP or TCP server listens on.
(Default =, all addresses)
"local_port" Positive Integer Attribute [Required] Local IPv4 UDP or TCP Port Number for the SIP Test server listen.

Message Handling

In addition to the common Application management messages, the TestSipApp uses the following messages: