SIP EDRs (Base)


All N-Squared SIP call processing solutions are based on a shared SipApp base class, and they all generate some (or all) of the base SIP EDRs documented here. In addition, they may also generate their own component-specific higher-layer EDRs.

The base SIP EDR Event Types are:


Each application built on this framework will typically generate additional service-specific Event Data Records which may be merged into the same EDR stream, or may be written to an independent EDR stream.

Not all applications will use all event types.

Common Format

The configuration parameters for configuring EDR output including filename structure and location is defined in the configuration documentation for the EdrApp which is a base component provided by the n2svcd package.

All EDRs are written by the EdrApp application using its file and record formatting rules.

Refer to the n2svcd base documentation for more details on configuring and managing EDR streams, and on the syntax/encoding details for N-Squared EDRs.

Note: Some SIP headers may be repeated in the SIP Request or Response in which case they will also be repeated in the EDR. Refer to the common format documentation for details on the encoding of repeated fields – specifically the distinction between the comma , which is used to separate repeated field values, and the encoded %2C comma used to represent a comma within one field value.

SIP Merged EDRs

Note: All SIP Event EDRs have distinct behavior according to whether sip_edr_merge is enabled in the application configuration.

If sip_edr_merge is not enabled, then each SIP interaction will generate two separate EDRs. The first EDR is for the SIP request and records the request fields. Then subsequently there is one EDR for each SIP response which contains the final SIP Status Code (in the range 200-699) in the CODE field, each with its own primary timestamp.

If sip_edr_merge is enabled, then each SIP interaction will generate one EDR (except for ACK).
The request EDR will be delayed until the first SIP response is generated, and the single EDR will contain the SIP request fields as well as containing the SIP response Status Code as CODE.
The primary timestamp on the EDR is the time of the response, and the timestamp of the original request is given separately in a regular field named REQUEST_AT.

Provisional SIP 100 Responses associated with an INVITE are (when present) recorded in the (merged or separate) EDR which contains the final SIP response CODE. They are listed in the PCODES field as a comma-separated array of provisional code values.

EDRs for ACK (if enabled) are always written separately.


The SHUTDOWN EDR Event indicates that a SIP instance ended with an internal processing error. This EDR is generated independently of any other SIP EDRs associated with the EDR. In most cases, there will be other SIP EDRs associated with this instance containing additional protocol information.


2018-05-22 03:44:30.181<2771>SHUTDOWN
|EXCEPTION=Inbound service handle "OTP-Outcall" does not map to any known script.

Field Type Description
EXCEPTION String [Required] Description of the reason for the unexpected SIP call control instance shutdown.

SIP Request EDR Fields

The following fields are applicable to one or more EDRs associated with a SIP Request. i.e.

Note that these fields do not apply to ACK Requests.

The common SIP Request fields are:

Field Type Description
REQUEST_AT Timestamp [Required] Timestamp of original Request.
RETRY Integer This field is present if one or more retry attempts were made for this Request.
TIMEOUT 1 This field is present if and only if the retry timer was exceeded for Request send attempts.
E.g. if SIP Timer B or F has expired.
In this case, there will almost certainly be a RETRY count present in the EDR.
CALL_ID String [Required] SIP Request Call-ID header value.
REQUIRE String SIP Request Require header value (if present).
CSEQ Integer [Required] SIP Request CSeq number.
FROM_URI String SIP Request From URI (if present).
TO_URI String SIP Request To URI (if present).
TRANSPORT UDP [Required] Transport over which the SIP request was received or sent.
VIA_HOST String [Required] The Via Sent-By Host in the SIP Request.
Only the top-most Via header details are recorded in the EDR.
VIA_PORT Integer The Via Sent-By Port Number in the SIP Request (if present).
If not present, the default port 5060 was assumed.
Only the top-most Via header details are recorded in the EDR.
VIA_BRANCH String [Required] The Via Branch in the SIP Request. Begins with z9hG4bK.
Only the top-most Via header details are recorded in the EDR.
VIA_RECEIVED Numeric IP [Inbound Request Only] The numeric dot-notation IP address from which we received this request.
Present only when the inbound Request contains the received or rport parameter of the Via header.
In this case, we have set this value as the received parameter of the Via header in the Response.
Only the top-most Via header details are recorded in the EDR.
VIA_RPORT Integer [Inbound Request Only] The numeric port number from which we received this request.
Present only when the inbound Request contains the rport parameter of the Via header.
In this case, we have set this value as the rport parameter of the Via header in the Response.
Only the top-most Via header details are recorded in the EDR.
REMOTE_IP Numeric IP [Required, Outbound Request Only] The numeric dot-notation IP address to which we attempted to send this request.
REMOTE_PORT Integer [Required, Outbound Request Only] The numeric port number to which we attempted to send this request.
PCV Integer The value of the P-Charging-Vector header, if present in the request.

The following fields are common (when applicable) to all EDRs associated with a SIP Response. i.e.

The common fields in the response EDR for an inbound SIP request fields are:

RESPONSE_AT Timestamp [Required in Response] Timestamp of first 200 - 699 response.
CODE Integer [Required] SIP Response code returned by the SIP application.
Contained in a standalone EDR if sip_edr_merge is enabled.
PCODES Array of Integer Codes (in the range 100-199) for any Provisional Responses associated with this transaction.
This is applicable only for INVITE and REINVITE EDRs.
NPRACK Integer The number of Reliable Provisional SIP Responses which we consider to be confirmed for this transaction at the time the EDR is generated, which is the time at which the INVITE transaction becomes Completed/Confirmed/Terminated.
This field can be present only when 100rel Reliable Provisional Response is used for this INVITE or re-INVITE transaction.
A Reliable Provisional Response is counted as "confirmed" when we receive the relevant PRACK Request or successful PRACK Response.
This is applicable only for INVITE and REINVITE EDRs.

The following fields are applicable to either SIP Request or SIP Response EDRs according to direction:

LCONTACT String SIP Request or SIP Response Contact header value (if present) as sent out by us.
LTAG String The local SIP Dialog tag extracted from the relevant From/To header as applicable.
This is our local tag, sent in outbound Request or Response.
RCONTACT String SIP Request or SIP Response Contact header value (if present) as sent by the far end.
RTAG String The remote SIP Dialog tag extracted from the relevant From/To header as applicable.
This is the far-end tag, received in outbound Request or Response.
SDP_IN 1 This field is present with value 1 iff the Request/Response contained SDP in the inbound direction.
SDP_OUT 1 This field is present with value 1 iff the Request/Response contained SDP in the outbound direction.
ISUP_IN String This field is a comma-separated list of ISUP message type abbreviations that have been received inbound as part of the SIP transaction.
Supported codes at this time are IAM, ACM, CON, ANM, REL, RLC, CPG.
Repeated received messages (e.g. repeated received CPG messages) will be represented by repeated values.
Unknown message codes may be represented by the decimal integer message type value.
ISUP_OUT 1 This field is a comma-separated list of ISUP message type abbreviations that have been sent outbound as part of the SIP transaction.
Supported codes at this time are IAM, ACM, CON, ANM, REL, RLC, CPG.
Repeated sent messages (e.g. repeated sent CPG messages) will be represented by repeated values.
Unknown message codes will never be sent.


The IN-REGISTER merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that an inbound SIP REGISTER has been received by the SIP application.

Example (merged):

2021-10-19 04:49:44.585<LHO-1634618974-65e01e56>IN-REGISTER|CALL_ID=TZA7aPiZz8|CODE=200
|REQUEST_AT=2021-10-19 04:49:44.584|RESPONSE_AT=2021-10-19 04:49:44.584

Note: For IN-REGISTER, the TO_URI and FROM_URI EDR fields should be identical.

Note: Only a single Contact header may be present. Multi-Contact registrations are not supported.


The IN-INVITE-ALEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that an inbound SIP INVITE has been received by the SIP application.

An inbound SIP INVITE is only supported for the initial A-Leg. There is no IN-INVITE-BLEG.


2021-10-28 05:43:54.488<LHO-1635397733-065f8e02>IN-INVITE-ALEG|CALL_ID=uLwv1FiKor|CODE=200
|REQUEST_AT=2021-10-28 05:43:54.478|RESPONSE_AT=2021-10-28 05:43:54.488

The PCODES field may be present for this EDR.

The LTAG and RTAG fields should be present for this EDR.

In addition the following fields may be present:

Field Type Description
PRIVACY String The value of the received Privacy header, if present.
PAI String The value of the top-most received P-Asserted-Identity header, if present.
PPI String The value of the top-most received P-Preferred-Identity header, if present.

In addition, this EDR may contain fields for any extra SIP INVITE Header fields defined using the &lt;invite_header&gt; configuration which is part of the Common SIP Application Configuration.


The IN-CANCEL-ALEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that an inbound SIP CANCEL has been received by the SIP application during initial set-up of the first A-Leg.

An inbound SIP CANCEL is only supported for the initial A-Leg. There is no IN-BLEG-CANCEL.


2021-10-20 06:18:27.830<LHO-1634710643-4737875f>IN-CANCEL-ALEG|CALL_ID=1194431843@|CODE=200
|REQUEST_AT=2021-10-20 06:18:27.829|RESPONSE_AT=2021-10-20 06:18:27.830


The IN-REINVITE-ALEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that an inbound SIP re-INVITE has been received by the SIP application.

This might have an empty content (i.e. a Activity Test “ping”), or it might contain an SDP body to re-negotiate the stream attributes.


2022-08-16 23:07:05.329<vagabond~LHO~1660690948~205e010f>IN-REINVITE-ALEG|CALL_ID=541501044@|CODE=200
|REQUEST_AT=2022-08-16 23:07:05.327|RESPONSE_AT=2022-08-16 23:07:05.329|RTAG=542123848

The PCODES field may be present for this EDR.

The LTAG and RTAG fields will be present for this EDR since the dialog is already established.

The LCONTACT and RCONTACT fields should not be present for this EDR since the dialog is already established.

In addition, this EDR may contain fields for any extra SIP INVITE Header fields defined using the &lt;invite_header&gt; configuration which is part of the Common SIP Application Configuration.


The IN-REINVITE-BLEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that an inbound SIP re-INVITE has been received by the SIP application.

This might have an empty content (i.e. a Activity Test “ping”), or it might contain an SDP body to re-negotiate the stream attributes.


2022-08-16 23:07:05.329<vagabond~LHO~1660690948~205e010f>IN-REINVITE-ALEG|CALL_ID=541501044@|CODE=200
|REQUEST_AT=2022-08-16 23:07:05.327|RESPONSE_AT=2022-08-16 23:07:05.329|RTAG=542123848

The PCODES field may be present for this EDR.

The LTAG and RTAG fields will be present for this EDR since the dialog is already established.

The LCONTACT and RCONTACT fields should not be present for this EDR since the dialog is already established.

In addition, this EDR may contain fields for any extra SIP INVITE Header fields defined using the &lt;invite_header&gt; configuration which is part of the Common SIP Application Configuration.


The IN-BYE-ALEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that an inbound SIP BYE has been received by the SIP application for the established A-Leg.

In all services this will be followed by an immediate OUT-BYE-BLEG, since the SIP call model as currently implemented does not support call-control after the loss of the A-Leg.


2021-10-20 06:45:26.285<IVR-1634712319-2ff34afe>IN-BYE-ALEG|CALL_ID=804457721@|CODE=200
|REQUEST_AT=2021-10-20 06:45:26.284|RESPONSE_AT=2021-10-20 06:45:26.285


The IN-BYE-BLEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that an inbound SIP BYE has been received by the SIP application for the established B-Leg.

The subsequent behavior is service-dependent. The call may continue, for example by attempting to construct a new B-Leg.


2021-10-20 06:18:40.921<LHO-1634710643-47378763>IN-BYE-BLEG|CALL_ID=1194431845@|CODE=200
|REQUEST_AT=2021-10-20 06:18:40.920|RESPONSE_AT=2021-10-20 06:18:40.921


The IN-BYE merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that an inbound SIP BYE has been received by the SIP application, however the BYE could not be correlated to any in-progress dialog, and was declined.

The subsequent behavior is service-dependent. The call may continue, for example by attempting to construct a new B-Leg.


2021-10-21 00:45:04.262<LHO-1634712319-2ff5a60c>IN-BYE|CALL_ID=GFJun2nXg3X|CODE=481
|REQUEST_AT=2021-10-21 00:45:04.261|RESPONSE_AT=2021-10-21 00:45:04.262

The CODE in this case will always be 481, indicating “Call/Transaction Does Not Exist”.


The IN-ACK-ALEG is generated when the first inbound ACK is received for the SIP Final Response that we previously sent for an inbound A-Leg INVITE or re-INVITE. Any received re-transmissions of this ACK will not generate an additional EDR.

This EDR is optional, controlled by an application flag.


2021-12-24 00:32:41.020<LHO-1640305092-1c467418>IN-ACK-ALEG|TRANSPORT=UDP|REMOTE_IP=|REMOTE_PORT=5064


The IN-ACK-BLEG is generated when the first inbound ACK is received for the SIP Final Response that we previously sent for an inbound B-Leg re-INVITE. Any received re-transmissions of this ACK will not generate an additional EDR.

This EDR is optional, controlled by an application flag.


2021-12-24 00:32:41.020<LHO-1640305092-1c467418>IN-ACK-BLEG|TRANSPORT=UDP|REMOTE_IP=|REMOTE_PORT=5064


The IN-PRACK-ALEG is generated for each first inbound PRACK received for each SIP Provisional Response that we previously sent for an inbound A-Leg INVITE or re-INVITE in the case where Reliable Provisional Response 100rel has been negotiated. Any received re-transmissions of this PRACK will not generate an additional EDR.

This EDR is optional, controlled by an application flag.


2024-01-24 21:37:30.849<kirby~LHO~1706132249~319554a8>IN-PRACK-ALEG|REMOTE_IP=|REMOTE_PORT=5063|RSEQ=966864470|TRANSPORT=udp


The IN-PRACK-BLEG is generated for each first inbound PRACK received for each SIP Provisional Response that we previously sent for an inbound B-Leg re-INVITE in the case where reliable provisional response 100rel has been negotiated. Any received re-transmissions of this PRACK will not generate an additional EDR.

This EDR is optional, controlled by an application flag.


2024-01-24 21:37:30.849<kirby~LHO~1706132249~319554a8>IN-PRACK-BLEG|REMOTE_IP=|REMOTE_PORT=5063|RSEQ=966864470|TRANSPORT=udp


The OUT-INVITE-ALEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that a SIP application has attempted to set-up a new A-Leg for the call.

A new A-Leg may be created by using the SIP outcall agent. A new A-Leg is a network-originated call, e.g. a wake-up call, network-initiated services announcement, a voice call to deliver a 2FA OTP, etc.

The PCODES field may be present for this EDR.

The RETRY and TIMEOUT fields may be present for this EDR.

In addition the following fields may be present:

Field Type Description
PRIVACY String The value of the sent Privacy header, if present.
PAI String The value of the sent P-Asserted-Identity header, if present.
PPI String The value of the sent P-Preferred-Identity header, if present.


The OUT-INVITE-BLEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that a SIP application has attempted to set-up a B-Leg for the call. This may be a temporary B-Leg established for the purpose of performing interaction on an external media server, or it might be a termination B-Leg for the purposes of connecting a voice call.

The PCODES field may be present for this EDR.

The RETRY and TIMEOUT fields may be present for this EDR.

In addition the following fields may be present:

Field Type Description
PRIVACY String The value of the received Privacy header, if present.
PAI String The value of the sent P-Asserted-Identity header, if present.
PPI String The value of the sent P-Preferred-Identity header, if present.


2021-10-28 05:09:08.342<LHO-1635397733-065f8de0>OUT-INVITE-BLEG|CALL_ID=106134765@
|PCODES=100,180|REMOTE_IP=|REMOTE_PORT=5061|REQUEST_AT=2021-10-28 05:09:06.317|RESPONSE_AT=2021-10-28 05:09:08.342


The OUT-CANCEL-ALEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that a SIP application has given up attempting to set-up or modify (via re-INVITE) an A-Leg for the call.

The RETRY and TIMEOUT fields may be present for this EDR.


2021-10-29 04:06:23.957<LHO-1635477112-67979f23>OUT-CANCEL-ALEG|CALL_ID=fdL1w2Eybd
|REQUEST_AT=2021-10-29 04:06:23.938|RESPONSE_AT=2021-10-29 04:06:23.957|TO_URI=sip:666666@


The OUT-CANCEL-BLEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that a SIP application has given up attempting to set-up or modify (via re-INVITE) a B-Leg for the call.

The RETRY and TIMEOUT fields may be present for this EDR.


2021-10-29 05:09:42.025<LHO-1635483207-647f4d27>OUT-CANCEL-BLEG|CALL_ID=1685885281@
|REQUEST_AT=2021-10-29 05:09:42.022|RESPONSE_AT=2021-10-29 05:09:42.025|TO_URI=sip:4003@


The OUT-REINVITE-ALEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that an inbound SIP re-INVITE has been sent by the SIP application, associated with the A-Leg dialog.

This might have an empty content (i.e. a Activity Test “ping”), or it might contain an SDP body to re-negotiate the stream attributes, either for the purposes of playing an internal RTP streamed announcement, or as a pass-through proxy of an associated IN-REINVITE-BLEG.


2022-08-17 03:40:56.327<vagabond~LHO~1660707646~33ea50d0>OUT-REINVITE-ALEG|CALL_ID=Z84XKmmpmn|CODE=200
|REQUEST_AT=2022-08-17 03:40:55.824|RESPONSE_AT=2022-08-17 03:40:56.327|RETRY=1|RTAG=4XKmmgPk

The PCODES field may be present for this EDR.

The LTAG and RTAG fields will be present for this EDR since the dialog is already established.

The LCONTACT and RCONTACT fields should not be present for this EDR since the dialog is already established.

In addition, this EDR may contain fields for any extra SIP INVITE Header fields defined using the &lt;invite_header&gt; configuration which is part of the Common SIP Application Configuration.


The OUT-REINVITE-BLEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that an inbound SIP re-INVITE has been sent by the SIP application, associated with the B-Leg dialog.

This might have an empty content (i.e. a Activity Test “ping”), or it might contain an SDP body to re-negotiate the stream attributes, as a pass-through proxy of an associated IN-REINVITE-ALEG.

Note: The N2SIP framework does not support RTP streaming to the B-Leg, hence any SDP sent out on a B-Leg re-INVITE must be a pass-through of a received inbound A-Leg re-INVITE.


2022-08-17 03:44:03.342<vagabond~LHO~1660707646~33ea50f0>OUT-REINVITE-BLEG|CALL_ID=871828884@|CODE=200
|REQUEST_AT=2022-08-17 03:44:03.335|RESPONSE_AT=2022-08-17 03:44:03.342|RTAG=871646440

The PCODES field may be present for this EDR.

The LTAG and RTAG fields will be present for this EDR since the dialog is already established.

The LCONTACT and RCONTACT fields should not be present for this EDR since the dialog is already established.

In addition, this EDR may contain fields for any extra SIP INVITE Header fields defined using the &lt;invite_header&gt; configuration which is part of the Common SIP Application Configuration.


The OUT-BYE-ALEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that the N2SIP application is ending an in-progress A-Leg. This is the standard call teardown where the A-party did not hang up. It applies for example:


2021-10-29 05:11:54.936<LHO-1635483207-647f4d36>OUT-BYE-ALEG|CALL_ID=mGI87hGaVX
|REQUEST_AT=2021-10-29 05:11:54.928|RESPONSE_AT=2021-10-29 05:11:54.936


The OUT-BYE-BLEG merged EDR Event (or split EDR pair) indicates that the N2SIP application is ending an in-progress B-Leg. This is the standard call teardown where the B-party did not hang up. It applies for example:

Note: The N2SIP does not currently support any B-Party announcement scenarios.


2021-10-29 05:11:54.935<LHO-1635483207-647f4d36>OUT-BYE-BLEG|CALL_ID=1685885286@
|REQUEST_AT=2021-10-29 05:11:54.928|RESPONSE_AT=2021-10-29 05:11:54.935


The OUT-ACK-ALEG is generated when the first outbound ACK is sent for the SIP Response that we received for an outbound A-Leg INVITE or re-INVITE. Any sent re-transmissions of this ACK will not generate an EDR.

This EDR is optional, controlled by an application flag.


2021-12-24 00:32:41.020<LHO-1640305092-1c467418>OUT-ACK-ALEG|CALL_ID=GFJun2nXg3X


The OUT-ACK-BLEG is generated when the first outbound ACK is sent for the SIP Response that we received for an outbound B-Leg INVITE or re-INVITE. Any sent re-transmissions of this ACK will not generate an EDR.

This EDR is optional, controlled by an application flag.


2021-12-24 00:32:41.020<LHO-1640305092-1c467418>OUT-ACK-BLEG|CALL_ID=GFJun2nXg3X


The OUT-PRACK-ALEG is generated for each first outbound PRACK sent for each SIP Provisional Response that we received for an outbound A-Leg INVITE or re-INVITE in the case where reliable provisional response 100rel has been negotiated. Any sent re-transmissions of this PRACK will not generate an additional EDR.

This EDR is optional, controlled by an application flag.


2024-01-24 21:10:29.187<kirby~LHO~1706130606~4aebda6a>OUT-PRACK-ALEG|CALL_ID=1257548815@
REQUEST_AT=2024-01-24 21:10:29.184|RESPONSE_AT=2024-01-24 21:10:29.187|RTAG=1256812568|TO_URI=sip:4000@


The OUT-PRACK-BLEG is generated for each first outbound PRACK sent for the SIP Provisional Response that we received for an outbound B-Leg INVITE or re-INVITE in the case where reliable provisional response 100rel has been negotiated. Any sent re-transmissions of this PRACK will not generate an additional EDR.

This EDR is optional, controlled by an application flag.


2024-01-24 21:10:29.187<kirby~LHO~1706130606~4aebda6a>OUT-PRACK-BLEG|CALL_ID=1257548815@
REQUEST_AT=2024-01-24 21:10:29.184|RESPONSE_AT=2024-01-24 21:10:29.187|RTAG=1256812568|TO_URI=sip:4000@