Service Context

Service Context

The service context is a Lua object that holds all information about the internal state of a network session as it is processed by the N2IWF. It is populated both by its own service logic (including OCS responses) and the protocol handler
library. Data may also be inserted into the service context by the protocol handler as required for call handling.


The service context should only be modified using its methods. Direct access to its attributes is not recommended.


Note that as the service context is a Lua object, its methods should be accessed using the colon operator, e.g.:

service_context:get_by_dot ("key")

Getter / Setter Functions

Many service context functions operate as both getters and setters for network session information.

When called without parameters, the current value of the appropriate element is returned, if any.

They may be alternatively be provided with a single parameter in order to set the appropriate element.

Function Parameter and
Return Type
subscriber_msisdn String The subscriber’s MSISDN.
subscriber_imsi String The subscriber’s IMSI.
subscriber_uri String The subscriber’s URI.
service_identifier String The Service-Identifier, if any, for the current session.
rating_group String The Rating-Group, if any, for the current session.
service_context_id String The Service-Context-Id for the current session.
units_total Integer The total units used for the network session.
units_last Integer The units used for the current reservation.
loop_counter Integer The current loop number.
loop_requested Boolean Whether a loop has been requested during this loop.
network_ongoing Boolean Whether the current action handling for the network session is ongoing.
rating_ongoing Boolean Whether the rating session is ongoing.
controlled Boolean Whether the network session is still controllable.
final Boolean Whether the last grant is the final one for this rating session.
bypass Boolean Whether the rating session has been bypassed by a pre-rating action.
balances Table The current internal balance information from the OCS.
destination_ocs String The current session destination for presentation to the OCS.
destination_net String The current session destination for the network response.

Getter Only Functions

Many service context functions act solely as getters for network session information.

These functions are always called without parameters to return the current value of the appropriate element, if any.

Function Return
subscriber_identifiers Table All subscriber identifiers in a table, keyed as defined in the N2IWF core. Possible keys are:
  • iwf_core.iwf_states.MSISDN - the subscriber MSISDN
  • iwf_core.iwf_states.IMSI - the subscriber IMSI
  • iwf_core.iwf_states.URI - the subscriber URI
last_gsu Integer The last granted units in the rating session.
grace_units Integer,
The allowed and used units from the last grace handling.
grace Boolean Whether the network session is currently being handled in grace.
get_edr_manager Object Returns the EDR manager for the network session.
originating Boolean Whether the direction of the network session is considered to be originating by the network protocol handler.
forwarding Boolean Whether the direction of the network session is considered to be forwarding by the network protocol handler.
terminating Boolean Whether the direction of the network session is considered to be terminating by the network protocol handler.
cug_match_found Boolean Whether the last N2CUG external action found a match.
cug_match_long String The long number from the last N2CUG external action match, if any.
cug_match_short String The short code from the last N2CUG external action match, if any.
cug_match_display_caller_sc Boolean Whether the match from the last N2CUG external action allows caller short code display.
cug_user_found Boolean Whether the last N2CUG external action found a user.
cug_user_long String The long number from the last N2CUG external action user, if any.
cug_user_is_ln Boolean Whether the user from the last N2CUG external action was located by long number.

state / last_state

These functions return the current or the last N2IWF state, as defined in the N2IWF core. Possible values are:

States are numeric values in the order above so can be directly compared.

The state function may be provided a single enumerated parameter in order to set the N2IWF internal state. This should not be done without prior consultation with N-Squared.


This function may be called in order to prepare the service context for a loop. It will clear out any existing rating session information in readiness for another to be potentially created.

This function takes no parameters and returns nothing.


This function behaves identically to the N2SVCD utility function get_by_dot but operates solely on the context_fields table within the service context and the service context additional selectors.

This function takes three positional parameters:

open_rating_session / continue_rating_session / finish_rating_session

These functions open, continue, or complete a rating session to the OCS.

Note that a service context can only have one rating session at any time. An open session must be completed before another can be started.

The open_rating_session function takes a required parameter giving the hook manager instance in use for the network session.

The continue_rating_session and finish_rating_session functions take an optional integer parameter for the used units from the last reservation, defaulting to 0 if not provided.

These functions return nothing.


This function is used to add used units to the rating session in progress.

It takes an integer parameter representing the new units used. This is added to the running total for the network session, and replaces the current used units for this reservation. Accordingly, it should only be called once per reservation.

This function returns the new total amount of units used.


This function will clear the current rating session total and last-granted units.

This function takes no parameters and returns nothing.


This function returns the current rating session, if any.

This function takes no parameters.

grace_start / grace_end

These functions start or end grace handling on the network.

When starting grace, the units to allow (depending on the input protocol) must be provided as an integer.

When ending grace, the units used (depending on the input protocol) must be provided as an integer.

These functions return nothing.


This function can be used to update a variable. It will also notify the EDR manager of the change if the variable is configured to be written to an EDR or an EDR key is provided. Note that this function ignores the mutable value of the variable’s configuration.

This function takes three positional parameters:

This function returns nothing.


This function can be used to add or update balance information from the OCS.

This function takes four positional parameters:

This function returns the new value of the balance after the exponent and any previous balance value have been taken into account.


This function is used to set the direction of the network session, overriding the decision made by the
network protocol handler.

It takes an enumerated parameter from the N2IWF core. Possible values are:

This function returns nothing.


This function is used to store the results of a N2CUG external action. of the network session, overwriting the last results, if any.

This function takes a single argument, a table expected to be in the format of a normal N2CUG lookup result.

This function returns nothing.

set_hook_manager / get_hook_manager

These functions either set or get the hook manager in use for the network session.