
Notification Messages

As part of handling any N2IWF action rule, a pre-configured notification message may be sent via SMPP or USSD.

All notifications for the N2IWF are configured in the NOTIFICATIONS LogicApp service global variable.

Several default parameters may be defined as additional LogicApp service global variables and these may be overridden on a per-notification basis. Note that if default values are not specified, all notification messages must specify all values.

Each parameter, both per-notification and default parameters are N2SVCD rule engine rulesets where the N2IWF selector rule extensions apply.

A sample notification configuration might be:

<global name="NOTIFICATION_TO_DEFAULT" from_var="logical"/>
<global name="NOTIFICATION_FROM_DEFAULT" type="array">
    <rule from_var="notf_from"/>
<global name="NOTIFICATION_APP_DEFAULT" literal="SMPP"/>
<global name="NOTIFICATION_PROTO_DEFAULT" literal="smpp"/>
<global name="NOTIFICATIONS" type="array">
    <notification name="notf1">I am a default notification.</notification>
    <notification name="notf2">
        <to from_var="called"/>
        <protocol type="array">
            <rule literal="ussd"/>
        <app literal="SIGTRAN"/>
        <text>I am a notification with overrides.</text>

In the above, two notifications are defined and would have the following configuration:

Name To Address From Address Protocol Sending
notf1 Variable logical Variable notf_from SMPP SMPP I am a default notification.
notf2 Variable called (none) USSD SIGTRAN I am a notification with overrides.

Note that sending notifications requires additional N2SVCD configuration for SMPP and/or USSD.

SMPP notifications are sent asynchronously and any response (submit_sm_resp) or delivery notification (deliver_sm) messages are not waited for nor checked.

USSD notifications are sent synchronously and the result (ussdNotify_RR) is waited for but not checked.

Notification Defaults

The following notification parameters may be specified as LogicApp service global variables:

Global Type Description
NOTIFICATION_TO_DEFAULT String An N2IWF selector ruleset to specify the default notification to address.
NOTIFICATION_FROM_DEFAULT String An N2IWF selector ruleset to specify the default notification from address.
Not applicable for USSD messages.
NOTIFICATION_APP_DEFAULT String An N2IWF selector ruleset to specify the default notification sending application.
NOTIFICATION_PROTO_DEFAULT String An N2IWF selector ruleset to specify the default notification protocol. Must be either smpp or ussd.
NOTIFICATION_WAIT_SECONDS String An N2IWF selector ruleset to specify the number of seconds to wait for a network response to the notification.
Only applicable for USSD messages.
(Default: 1)

Notification Definition

Each notification can support the following parameters:

Attribute Type Description
name String [Required] The unique name for this notification message. Used in rules to specify the notification to send.
to String [Conditional] The normalised destination address for the notification message. Must be specified if no default value applies.
from String [Conditional] The normalised from address for the notification message. Must be specified if no default value applies.
Not applicable for USSD messages.
app String [Conditional] The N2SVCD application to use to send the notification message. Must be specified if no default value applies.
protocol String [Conditional] The protocol to send the notification message in on the wire. Must be specified if no default value applies.
flash Boolean Whether the message should be treated as a flash message (i.e. displayed without storage).
Only applicable to SMPP messages.
(Default: false)
text String The plain text body of the notification message. Will be encoded into the appropriate on-the-wire characters by the sending N2SVCD application. May contain dynamic notification text definitions.

Dynamic Notification Text

Notification bodies may optionally contain any amount of dynamic text indications. These are indicated between % characters and refer to rule engine variable of the same name. At runtime, dynamic text will be filled with the variable value. For example, %var1% would be expanded at runtime to contain the contents of the variable named var1.

If a literal % character is required within a notification body, escape it with a leading !, i.e. !%.

Dynamic text may also include a Lua string format pattern after a | character, with or without a leading %. For example, the text bodies %balance|.2f% and %balance|%.2f% are identical and will both present the contents of the variable named balance formatted to two decimal places.

If no format pattern is specified, the pattern %s (i.e. a normal string) will apply.

Dynamic notification text can also include balance information provided by the OCS. In these cases, the specific balance component must be specified after the balance name separated by a period:

As a fully-worked example, given the following configured notification body:

Your balance is %cash.currency%%cash.units|.2f%. You have %percent|.1f%!% of your %units% remaining.

… the following notification text might be generated:

Your account balance is $1.20. You have 10.2% of your free minutes remaining.
