
The N2IWF logs the service logic events associated with the Diameter messaging that it performs and the actions taken based on that messaging.

The N2IWF creates EDRs for the following Event Types for SIGTRAN IWF functionality:

The N2IWF creates EDRs for the following Event Types for Diameter -> Diameter IWF functionality:

Other N2SVCD applications used as part of controlling network sessions may also produce EDRs as usual, e.g.:

All EDR types will be sent to the appropriate configured EDR stream.

EDR Format

The configuration parameters for configuring EDR output including filename structure and location is defined in the N2SVCD EdrApp configuration documentation.

All N2IWF EDRs follow these same file and record formatting definitions.

Diameter Signalling Gateway EDRs

Common EDR Fields

The following fields may be present in all EDRs generated by the IWF when used as a signalling gateway:

Field SCP IDPSMS SIP Type Description
MSISDN Y Y Y String The subscriber identity sent to the OCS when N2IWF is configured to send the received MSISDN.
IMSI Y Y N String The subscriber identity sent to the OCS when N2IWF is configured to send the received IMSI.
URI N N Y String The subscriber identity sent to the OCS when N2IWF is configured to send the received SIP URI.
TONE Y N N Integer Set according to the tone value of the matched tone rule, if any.
NOTF Y Y Y String The configured notification name sent for a given action rule match, if any.
ANN Y N Y String The configured announcement name for CAMEL/INAP or SIP sent for a given action rule match, if any.
FCI Y N N String The configured FCI name sent for a given action rule match, if any.
SCI Y N N String The configured SCI name sent for a given action rule match, if any.

Note that rule engine variables or read AVPs that have the edr key specified will be written to all N2WIF EDR types.


The DIAMETER EDR Event represents a single Diameter Credit-Control-Request message and its associated Credit-Control-Answer response message, if any.

If the application is configured to produce split Diameter EDRs, Diameter Credit-Control-Request messages will produce a DIAMETER-R EDR and Diameter Credit-Control-Answer messages - or the failure to receive a message - will produce a DIAMETER-A EDR. If split EDRs are not enabled, DIAMETER EDRs will instead be produced, containing all fields from DIAMETER-R and DIAMETER-A EDRs.

The following fields are available in DIAMETER / DIAMETER-R / DIAMETER-A EDRs:

Field Type In DIAMETER-R In DIAMETER-A Description
DSID String Yes Yes The generated Diameter Session-Id value for this call.
REC Integer No Yes Set to 0 if no response was received from the OCS, otherwise not present.
MODEL String Yes Yes The charging model in use.
REQ_A Integer Yes No Set to 0 (DIRECT_DEBITING) for charging or 1 (REFUND_ACCOUNT) for refunds. Only present when using the IEC charging model
REQ_N Integer Yes Yes The Diameter CC-Request-Number value.
REQ_T Integer Yes Yes The Diameter CC-Request-Type value. One of 1 (INITIAL_REQUEST), 2 (UPDATE_REQUEST), or 3 (TERMINATE_REQUEST).
RC_R Integer No Yes The root-level Result-Code received, if any.
RC_M Integer No Yes The Multiple-Services-Credit-Control → Result-Code received, if any.
ACTION Integer No Yes The Result-Code rule action selected based on the OCS response.
TOTAL Integer Yes No The total time (in seconds) or units used for the network session.
SI Integer Yes No The Service-Identifier value sent to the OCS for this request, if any.
RG Integer Yes No The Rating-Group value sent to the OCS for this request, if any.
SCID String Yes No The Service-Context-Id value sent to the OCS for this request.
RSU Integer Yes No The Requested-Service-Units → CC-Time or CC-Service-Specific-Units value sent to the OCS for this request, if any.
USU Integer Yes No The Used-Service-Units → CC-Time or CC-Service-Specific-Units value sent to the OCS for this request, if any.
GSU Integer No Yes The Granted-Service-Units → CC-Time value returned from the OCS for this request, if any.
BF Integer No Yes Set to 1 if the Result-Code rule has the is_bf flag set, otherwise not present.
FINAL Integer No Yes Set to 1 if the OCS returned a Final-Unit-Indication, otherwise not present.

GRACE Event Type EDRs

The GRACE EDR provides information on service granted outside the control of the OCS when the grace action is selected during action rule processing. These EDRs provide additional information to allow post-rating on the OCS, if required.

The following fields are available in GRACE EDRs:

Field SCP IDPSMS SIP Type Description
TOTAL Y Y Y Integer For SCP calls, the total reported time (in seconds) by the network for the entire call, if any.
For SIP, the total measured time (in seconds) by the IWF for the entire call, if any.
For IDPSMS, will always be set to 1.
In all cases, this includes the grace grant.
SI Y Y Y Integer The Service-Identifier value that would have been sent to the OCS for this request, if any.
RG Y Y Y Integer The Rating-Group value that would have been sent to the OCS for this request, if any.
SCID Y Y Y String The Service-Context-Id value that would have been sent to the OCS for this request.
USU Y Y Y Integer The used time or unit for the grace grant that would have been sent to the OCS.
For SCP and SIP, represents the Used Service Units> → CC Time value.
For IDPSMS, represents the Used-Service-Units → CC Service-Specific-Units value.
GSU Y Y Y Integer For SCP and SIP, the number of seconds given for the grace grant.
For IDPSMS, will always be set to 1.

Note that SI, RG, and SCID will only be present if the grace handling occurs after rating information is determined.


EXTERNAL EDRs are created for each external processing action that a session receives.

The following fields are available in external action EDRs:

Field SCP IDPSMS SIP Type Description
ACTION Y Y Y String The external process action type applied.
NAME Y Y Y String The external process action name applied.
MANDATORY Y Y Y Boolean 1 if the action is mandatory, otherwise 0.
SUCCEEDED Y Y Y Boolean 1 if the action succeeded, otherwise 0.
ERROR Y Y Y String If the action did not succeed, freeform text indicating the failure.

PRE Event Type EDRs

PRE EDRs are created when a matching a pre-rating rule.

The following fields are available in pre-rating EDRs:

Field SCP IDPSMS SIP Type Description
ACTION Y Y Y String The pre-rating rule action applied.

POST Event Type EDRs

POST EDRs are created when a matching a post-rating rule.

The following fields are available in post-rating EDRs:

Field SCP IDPSMS SIP Type Description
ACTION Y Y Y String The pre-rating rule action applied.
LOOP Y Y Y Integer The current loop count. Present only when greater than zero.
LOOPING Y Y Y Boolean Whether looping has been requested in this loop.


The N2IWF creates PROBLEM EDRs when issues are encountered during processing.

Field SCP IDPSMS SIP Type Description
ACTION Y Y Y String The error handling rule action applied.
CLASS Y Y Y String A simple keyword for the problem category.
ERROR Y Y Y String Free-form description of the error.

Diameter-Diameter Interworking EDRs


The Diameter -> Diameter IWF generates IWF-DIAM-PROXY EDRs when a Diameter request & response are proxied successfully. Note that the answer message may have a Result-Code of failure from the source endpoint. The following fields are included in these EDRs when a successful IWF proxy event has been completed:

Field Type Description
SESSION_ID String [Always Present] The value of the Session-Id AVP.
REQ_NUM Integer [Always Present] The value of the CC-Request-Number AVP.
REQ_TYPE Integer [Always Present] The value of the CC-Request-Type AVP.
SCID String [Always Present] The value of the Service-Context-Id AVP.
MSISDN String If a MSISDN-typed Subscription-Id AVP exists in the message, the MSISDN field will be filled.
SUBSCRIPTION_ID String If a MSISDN typed Subscription-Id AVP cannot be found in the message, the SUBSCRIPTION_ID field will be filled with the first Subscription-Id-Data AVP field value encountered.
INBOUND_HOOK String The name of the inbound hook that was executed by the IWF for this proxy event. This hook is the one run for the Request message.
OUTBOUND_HOOK String The name of the outbound hook that was executed by the IWF for this proxy event. This hook is the one run for the Answer message.
RC_ROOT Integer [Always Present] The value of the Result-Code AVP when the Answer messages is sent back from proxy to the originator of the Request message.
TIME_S Double [Always Present] The time, in seconds, between the moment the IWF started processing the Diameter Request message for this event, and the time the IWF sent the Answer message back to the N2SVCD DiameterApp for delivery to the originator of the Request.


When the Diameter -> Diameter IWF encounters an error in processing the request or response it is proxying, a PROBLEM EDR is generated. In addition to the fields of the success case, PROBLEM EDRs will include the following EDR fields. Depending on where in the processing chain the failure occurred, some of the success EDR fields will not be present.

Field Type Description
CLASS String [Always Present] Describes in fixed terms the state of the Diameter IWF where the error was encountered. One of: proxy_setup, loop_detection, request_hook, request_response, answer_hook.
ERROR String [Always Present] A human-readable description of the error that was encountered.