Input Context

Input Context

The input context is a Lua object that contains details about the input received for a network session. This includes the input data that is as received from the N2SVCD application that triggers the message handling to the N2IWF LogicApp.

Its structure and data are entirely specific to the protocol used, but will contain the received message plus other relevant input or derived parameters. It is a table of values that are retrieved by direct key access in all cases.

For example, an input context for an INAP/CAMEL call using the SCP protocol handler might be:

input_context = {
    iwf_protocol = (table),
    context_fields = {
        call_trigger = 'ORIG',
        initialdp_arg = {
            calledPartyBCDNumber_digits = '6449040323',
        normalised_called_party = '6449040323',
        normalised_calling_party = '6449040123',
        normalised_logical_party = '6449040123',
        normalised_original_called_party = UNDEF,
        normalised_other_party = '6449040323',
        normalised_redirecting_party = UNDEF,
        pending_tn = '6449040323',
        ssp_inap = 'camel2',

It is expected that the input context is never modified. The service context should be used to store information about the session in progress.


All input contexts have the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
iwf_protocol Table Holds the IWF protocol handler library that received the message from the network.
context_fields Table Holds the received input from the network.


Note that as the input context is a Lua object, its methods should be accessed using the colon operator, e.g.:

input_context:get_by_dot ("key")


This function returns the context_fields attribute of the input context. This is equivalent to accessing it directly, i.e. input_context.context_fields.

This function takes no parameters.


This function behaves identically to the N2SVCD utility function get_by_dot but operates solely on the context_fields table within the input context and the input context additional selectors.

This function takes three positional parameters: