INAP Op - DisconnectLeg

INAP Operation - DisconnectLeg

The DisconnectLeg operation represents the receipt of an INAP DisconnectLeg. The test instance will abort if any other inbound message is received.

This message is received by the IN Tester when it is simulating the role of a Service Switching Platform (SSP).


The operation attributes are as follows.

Attribute Type Description
type String inap.ssp_from_scp.DisconnectLeg
label String An optional label for this node if it is to be the target of a branch operation.
arguments Object [Required] The structure of the INAP DisconnectLegArg we expect to receive.
Expressions may be supplied within this structure.


This is an example entry within the operations array:

    "type": "inap.ssp_from_scp.DisconnectLeg",
    "arguments" : {
        "legToBeReleased": {
            "sendingSideID_hex": "02"
        "releaseCause_cause": 31


The following inbound arguments are supported. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, the actual received inbound arguments will be checked for each supplied “expected” value, and Pass/Fail entries will be generated in the test instance check_log.

To check that an inbound value is NOT present, specify the argument as null.

Argument Type Notes
legToBeReleased Object May contain sendingSideID and/or receivingSideID as appropriate.
.sendingSideID Binary String Specify the expected binary value.
.sendingSideID_hex Hex String Alternatively specify the expected value in hex.
.receivingSideID Binary String Specify the expected binary value.
.receivingSideID_hex Hex String Alternatively specify the expected value in hex.
releaseCause Binary String Specify the expected binary value.
Alternatively specify the expected value of the individual components.