Alter Customer Profile

Alter Customer Profile

This api endpoint is used to alter the value of a specific profile tag in the customer’s profile.

PUT /api/customer/:customerId/update_profile

Parameter Example Description
customer_id 12345 [URL parameter], [Required] The ID of the customer who profile is to be updated.

The content of the PUT request must be a JSON object with the following fields:

Key Type Description
profile_tag String The name of the profile_tag to be updated
profile_value Any The value the profile tag on the customers profile should be updated with.


File customer_profile_update.json:

    "profile_tag": "pt_alternative_control_plan_activation",
    "profile_value": 1


curl 'http://localhost/jarvis-agent/n2fe/api/customer/68873/update_profile' -T /tmp/customer_profile_update.json -H 'Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8' -H 'Cookie: N2FE_id=95c1938b2579400f2002d0f157b8803e'

Profile Tags

Profile tags available to update:

Profile Tag Format/Value Description
pt_alternative_control_plan_activation Boolean Indicates whether the customer’s alternative control plans are activated.
pt_termination_number_swap_activation Boolean Indicates whether the customer’s alternative termination numbers are activated.
pt_termination_number_swap_mapping JSON The termination number prefix tree, and the alternative termination number mapping.

Success Response

On a success, the server will respond with 1.