Lookup Dialing

N2FE Flow Operation - Lookup Dialing

The LookupDialing operation performs a number lookup and translation action, followed by and attempt to terminate (or unconditional terminate) to the translated number.


The LookupDialing operation has exactly two exits.

Config Parameters

The LookupDialing operation has no configuration.

The number to translate is always the “Pending Termination Number” (in NCC, this is the “CC Pending Termination Number” field of the “Outgoing Session” profile block).

The translated number is written into the same field after translation succeeds.

The number translation table is read from the Customer’s profile (“Subtag” 1 in NCC).

Example Operation

Here is an example LookupDialing operation in JSON representation.

        "id": 5,
        "type": "LookupDialing",
        "base_node": 31,
        "config": {
        "exits": [ 7, 6 ]

In this example:


The exits for this node are fixed.

Exit Index Name Description
0 Busy/NoAnswer [Required] This entry is followed if a translation is found, but an attempted termination gives a Busy/NoAnswer response.
1 Not Found [Required] This entry is followed if the number lookup fails to find a mapping for the source number.