
The timezone endpoint allows clients to search the list of timezones configured in the service that are available to the current customer. Note that this does not necessarily match the list of standard timezones available at the OS level, nor will it necessarily return any data - the underlying OCNCC system may not have been configured with timezone information, or the current customer may not have access to this information.

GET /api/customer/:customer_id/timezone

Retrieve a list of timezones configured in the underlying OCNCC system which match a specific query term.

This request supports the following parameters:

Parameter Example Description
query pacif The search term. This term will be used in a case insensitive substring match against the timezone names stored in the underlying OCNCC system.

Response Content

The response will be a JSON array of objects, with each object consisting of the following information:

Key Type Description
name String The full name of the timezone.



curl 'http://localhost/jarvis-agent/n2fe/api/customer/111/timezone?query=auck' -H 'Cookie: N2FE_CGISESSID=48ac880f98504e81373207d62dd2f807'


      "name" : "Pacific/Auckland"