Number Matching

The Number Matching Node

Category - Branching on Data

the Number Matching node

The Number Matching node compares a value in a buffer against a list of matching rule patterns.

additional configuration

The Buffer selection refers to which of the system buffers to compare against the match rule patterns. These buffers are configured within N2ACD.

If the source buffer is not populated, the Number is Undefined branch will be followed.

If the source buffer value matches the node dialog pattern, the Number Found branch will be followed.

If the source buffer value does not match the node dialog pattern, the Number not Found branch will be followed.


To configure the node:

  1. Select the buffer that will used as the source for comparison.
  2. Define one or more match rule patterns that will be used as the basis for matching against the source buffer value. See Match Rule Patterns for more information.

Match Rule Patterns

Each distinct line in the matching rules definition defines a distinct pattern match that will be performed against the configured buffer.

Number matching patterns are a form of regular expressions. Pattern matching rules are:

Character Description
[123] Match one of any character defined in the set, or within any defined range in the set. For example: [0-9] will match all digits 0-9.
^121 The ^ indicates the start of the number. This pattern will match any digits beginning with 121.
9$ The $ indicates the end of the number. This pattern will match any digits ending with 9.
9? The ? represents matching "zero or one" of the preceding character.
123* The * matches zero or more of the preceding character. This example matches 12 and then any number of 3's (including 0).
123+ The + matches one or more of the preceding character. This example matches 123 and then any number of additional 3's (including 0).
. Match any value. This example would match any digit.


Example Pattern Description Example Matches
121 Match 121 somewhere in the number being matched. The digits can appear anywhere in the compared string. 121
^121 Match when the compared string starts with 121. The digits after the 121 is not verified/checked. 1211
^12[1-4] Match when the compared string starts with (or is exactly) 121, 122, 123, or 124. 1211
^12[1-4]$/td> Match when the compared string is exactly 121, 122, 123, or 124. 121
^02[1-4].$ Match when the compared string starts with 121, 122, 123, or 124, and is at least four digits long. 1211, 1219