FTP Transfer

Transferring Files via FTP

The IN Tester can create and transfer file content via FTP to a remote system configured in n2svcd. The FTP Transfer node can be used for performing this action.

To use this node successfully, please ensure that you have configured the n2svcd process with connection details for the remote system to connect too.

The IN Tester environment(s) must also list the FTP application to use for FTP requests where applicable.

Test Fields

Target Directory


The directory where the file should be created. This field is optional and when not specified the file will be placed in the remote user’s default directory.


  • /tmp

Target Filename


The filename of the file to be created on the remote server.


  • test.cdr

File Content


The content for the file created at the remote server. This may be left blank, in which case the created file will be empty.