Account Code Entry

Account Code Entry

The AccountCodeEntry requests the network infrastructure to prompt the caller to enter an “Account Code” (also known as an “Access Code”). The Account/Access code must match one of the permitted access codes configured against this Service Number at the time of calling.

Note that the minimum and maximum length of the access codes for each Service Number is also determined automatically at the time of calling, and does not need to be configured within this operation.

The AccountCodeEntry operation has two exits. If the caller abandons (i.e. hangs up) during the announcement, no further processing is performed and no exit is followed.

Note that in the case where no Account/Access Codes are provisioned at the time of the call, the “Not Allowed” branch will be immediately followed, and no user interaction will occur.

Config Parameters

The AccountCodeEntry operation config attributes are as follows.

Parameter Type Description
main_announcement Announcement
[Required] The main_announcement parameter is an Object using the shared announcement configuration structure as defined in the Flow Introduction documentation. This announcement is played as the prompt on the caller's first attempt to enter input.
reprompt_announcement Announcement
[Required] The reprompt_announcement parameter is an Object using the shared announcement configuration structure as defined in the Flow Introduction documentation. This announcement is played as the prompt on the caller's second and subsequent attempts to enter input.
max_iterations Integer The maximum number of attempts that the caller may have to enter a valid Account/Access Code.
(Default = 3)

Example Operation

Here is an example AccountCodeEntry operation in JSON representation.

        "id": 5,
        "type": "AccountCodeEntry",
        "base_node": 1,
        "config": {
            "main_announcement": { "set": "General Purpose Anns",
                                   "entry": "Please Enter Account Code", repetition: 1 }
            "reprompt_announcement": { "set": "General Purpose Anns",
                                       "entry": "Invalid Code Please Try Again", repetition: 1 }
            "max_iterations": 3
        "exits": [ 4, 17 ]

If the caller successfully enters a valid Account/Access Code, processing will continue down exit index 0 to operation ID 4.

If the caller cannot provide a valid Account/Access Code after three attempts, processing will continue down exit index 1 to operation ID 17.


There are always exactly two exits for an AccountCodeEntry operation.

Exit Index Name Description
0 Caller On‑Line [Required] This exit is followed if the caller successfully entered an acceptable Account/Access Code, and is still connected at the end of the announcement.
1 Not Allowed [Required] This exit is followed if the caller failed to enter an acceptable Account/Access Code after the maximum number of iterations, and is still connected at the end of the announcement.